Added a toggle off and on button to sound, we argued if we should put it in the top right corner, in all screens, but decided to put it in the main menu only.
Remade the lillies so we now only have 3 screenwidth sized lilles that scrolls instead of randomizing 7 different ones. But due to time I decided to only implement 2 pictures. The same with mountains as I added another texture for a more diverse look/feeling. This also made the code a lot better, and we saved a lot of sprites and freed up some memory for the game.
Also made some adjustments to the frog power up, as we now have a state that is power max, which makes the animation look better.
Changed some scrolling speed with the paralax to make it feel more realistic.
Took the task that I previously assigned to Andreas and fixed all the sprites so they are now relative to the screen width of the device. So now we can fully game test on all devices and can make changes to the gameplay properly.
Added an AD to the game, currently it shows in all screens, even when playing, but I should look up how to only show the ad while in the main menu or during game over. Using AdMob and google adsense to generate our cash!