Friday, November 28, 2014

Started Report Structure

So today I spent the day reading other projects advice on what makes a good project report, short and rich with information without giving all the unneccesary details...

and thus I made this as a beginning to our report, of course it has to be remade along the way, but I believe it is a good foundation to begin with.

Cover page.

The title of the project
The authors
The supervisor
The date of completion of the report
The department and university.
Optional:Diagram or Picture

Write this almost last

The authors would like to express our gratitude and appreciation for all those who have shown interested and motivated us throughout this project, gameplay testers and concept contributors. Mostly students of MSc Interaction Design & Technologies class of 2015 at CTH, but also friends and relatives. We would also like to give a special thanks to our project supervisor Mr. Björk, whose ideas, suggestions and game design experience gave us invaluable advice regarding game development.

Furthermore, we would like to acknowledge the team behind LibGDX, the open-source cross-platform framework that we used to successfully port our game to both Android and iOS.

Full page - contents of our report

Abbreviations, Symbols, Acronyms, Nomenclature and Notation Table
List of the above for for clarification of words throughout the report (add if needed, decide while writing report)

Chapter 1 Introduction
Short introduction to our project
1.1 The Aim
1.2 Motivation
Chapter 2 Ideation and Game Concepts
Example: How does Blizzard ideation work? What makes a game good and addicting? What did Flappy birds get its success from?
2.1 Brainstorming
Free-form brainstorming, round robin brainstorming, mind mapping, KJ method.
2.2 Early Game Concepts
Runner game, Immigrant in America, One man Defender, Gladiator Manager, The evolution Frog.
2.3 Final Game Concept
The evolution Frog, sketching art concepts, eliciting game requirements
Chapter 3 Game Development
Which frameworks did we consider? Cocoa2D, Unity, LibGDX? Cross-platform was a strong motivator.
3.1 Architecture
3.2 Game Engine
3.3 Requirement Implementation
3.4 Optimization
3.5 Device Compatibility
Chapter 4 Art and Graphics Development
4.1 Inspired Games and Art
4.2 Methods? Programs? Vector development - PNG deployment

Chapter 5 Gameplay Design
5.1 Gameplay
What gameplay are we aiming for?
5.2 Gameplay Testing

Chapter 6 Finalising Game
6.1 Analyzing Feedback

Chapter 7 Discussion
We had to create our own in-game physics, which took time and made our focus to perfecting gameplay a lot more challenging thus not leaving time for us to progress the gameplay mechanics.

Chapter 8 Conclusions and Future Work
8.1 Time Plan and Bar Chart

Appendix A Game Requirements (Before Development)
Appendix B Game Requirements (After Development)


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