Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Once more some redesigns of the graphics

Today we worked mostly on improving current graphic elements. We updated the background and made it less saturated in order to make the other game elements more distinguishable. Furthermore, we also made new images for the waterlilies so instead of 7 single waterlilies we made 3 images with several lilies. This will make the game performance more optimized. We also added a new sound toggle button for the music.

Regarding the app icon we haven’t chosen one yet. We have several alternatives but none of them feels really good so we are still working of this.

The power up animation was redone once more, this time though, we are quite pleased with the results. We also created a power up animation when the frog has full power which gives an indication for the player.

A wave animation was done as well, which in the end looks more like a hand rather than a wave :).